Excelerate Performance hates to say it but a blown head gasket requires extensive repairs. In fact, your engine may need to be partially rebuilt because the blown gasket can damage the cylinder block and other key engine systems. If you suspect that you have a cracked head gasket in your high-performance engine, stop driving the automobile and have the vehicle towed to our shop. Below, we are going to list the signs of a blown head gasket for your information.
Instant Coolant Loss
The head gasket creates a seal over the combustion chamber so the compression can be stored for combustion. This seal also helps to prevent key automotive fluids from making their way into the chamber. When the head gasket blows, the coolant instantly sprays all over the engine and leaks into the combustion chamber. Consequently, the engine is immediately starved of coolant.
Overheating Engine
Naturally, this is going to overheat your engine very quickly. Unfortunately, your engine will overheat every time you try to drive your performance automobile. This is why we recommend that you have the vehicle towed to our shop. You do not want to drive the engine while it is overheating. You already have a cracked head gasket. You do not need a cracked engine block or exhaust manifold, as well.
Scorching Coolant
Another reason why it’s dangerous to continue to drive your performance automobile is that the engine heat will be so excessive that it will boil the coolant. If you listen carefully, you will be able to hear the coolant bubbling in the cooling system. Continuing to drive the vehicle is going to blow the radiator cap, and, again, cause more damage to the engine than there already is.
White Exhaust
Another thing you will notice is that your performance vehicle will start to release white exhaust smoke out of the tailpipe. This exhaust smoke develops when the engine is burning coolant. Because the engine temperature is going to rise well above the maximum temperature, you will also see white smoke floating out from underneath the hood.
Diluted Motor Oil
The excess heat caused by the blown head gasket alone is enough reason to stop driving your automobile. This being said, once the gasket cracks, the coolant will mix with the motor oil and dilute it. Consequently, your engine can be damaged by the diluted motor oil circulating through it.
Excelerate Performance in Branford, CT, is here to help, so call us today if you have a cracked head gasket.